1944年,澳门葡京博彩软件的学生投票决定建立学术荣誉制度,因为他们相信澳门葡京博彩软件社区的每个成员都有义务维护学院的学术标准. 该准则所依据的基本前提是,学习过程是个人努力和承诺的产物,伴随着道德和智力的完整性. The Academic Honor Code is the institutional expression of these beliefs. 该准则要求每个人都要诚实,尊重并回应在学术社区中负责任生活的要求.
Read more about the Academic Honor Code as it applies to examinations and class work in the 澳门葡京博彩软件手册.
政策 & 的指导方针
期末考试(涵盖整个学期的工作)必须在学期末的期末考试期间进行. They may not be given during the last week of classes or during the pre-examination study period.
考试前的学习阶段, between the end of classes and the beginning of final examinations, is set aside for students to prepare for exams. Therefore, the college does not schedule social, academic or cultural activities during this time. 论文截止日期, take-home exams or other course work cannot be set during the pre-exam study period.
期末考试(涵盖整个学期的工作)必须在学期末的期末考试期间进行. They may not be given during the last week of classes or during the pre-examination study period.
美联社分数 & 安排考试
在大多数大学先修课程考试中获得4分或5分的学生将由注册办公室通知所记录的学分及其使用方法. 这些分数可以用来帮助你和你的文科顾问把你安排在适合你背景的课程水平上. The registrar’s office also evaluates International Baccalaureate, A-levels and college credit earned before matriculation at Smith. 欲知详情,请参阅 转移信用 页面.
Full information regarding placement exams can be found on individual program 页面s.